Chespirito is a sketch comedy show that airs Chespirito's characters such as El Chavo and El Chapulin Colorado. The show aired from 1970 to 1995 with the length of 15 years. It currently airs on Televisa as it did in the past.
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In 1969 Roberto Gomez Bolanos acted in a sketch named Los Supergenios de la Mesa Cuardada in a show named Sabados del la fortuna which aired on Canal 8 in Mexico. The actors were Chespirito, Ruben Agurrie, Maria Antonieta de las Nieves, and Ramon Valdes. Interested in the sketch, Chespirito made a show that named after himself, Chespirito. The sketches were made by Chespirito called El Chavo, El Chapulin Colorado, Doctor Chapatin, Los Caquitos, and Los Chifladitos. The actors at that time were Chespirito, Ruben Aguirre, Maria Anointena de las nieves, Ramon Valdes and a new actress named Florinda Meza. The show was successful but Chespirito cancelled the show in 1973 for the sketches El Chavo and El Chapulin Colorado to become shows and move on.
In El Chavo and El Chapulin Colorado the actors from the previous program came again but with new actors such as Angelines Fernandes and Carlos Villagran and Edgar Vivar which they would be Doña Cleotilde, Quico, Ñoño and his dad Señor Barriga. The 2 shows were successful and popular until Chespirito cancelled the two shows for departures and for new ideas. Then in 1980 after the cancellation of the shows, Chespirito made a new program called Chespirito and used it as a revival in the 1970s. The sketches Dr. Chapatin, Los Caquitos, Los Chifladitos came back but with new characters and old characters. El Chavo and El Chapulin Colorado were in the program too with a wealth of new episodes produced. The actors of Chespirito returned except for Ramon Valdes and Carlos Villagran. So Chespirito's brother Horacio Gomez Bolanos replaced Quico as Godinez and Raul Chato Padilla replaced Ramon Valdes as Jamito el cartero.
The Program was successful and popular with new jokes and new style. In 1981 Ramon Valdes returns but leaves again at the end of the year. In 1984 the son of Chespirito becomes an actor in Chespirito. But 11 years later El Chavo sketches and episodes stopped and ended due to Chespirito growing into his 80's. Later that year Edgar Vivar who played Senor Barriga, Nono, Botija, and El Gordo left the show due to him have heart surgery because of health problems caused by his obesity. Then in 1995 the program Chespirito ended due to the lost of many actors. After the series, in 1999 Horacio Gomez died of a heart attack.